The Ashera cat is a hybrid cat breed which is offered by Lifestyle Pets for the pet owner. It is an alleged domestic or wild hybrid cat, a hybrid between the African serval, the Asian leopard cat, and a domestic housecat. It is a special breed of hybrid cat that grows to be about four feet length and the cost of it would be 22,000 to 28,000 which depends on the options and accessories.
Ashera cat has become popular amongst the pet collectors especially with those with very sturdy furniture which will withstand being clawed by a four-foot hybrid Ashera cat. Owning an Ashera cat will soon tell everyone that you have spent 22,000 on an overgrowing cat.
It has been proved by the DNA tests that the "Ashera" cats are to be Savannah cats, an existing breed. The results of official DNA tests confirmed that 3 "Ashera" kittens confiscated at Schiphol Airport in Feb 2008 are F1 Savannahs bred by Chris Shirk of Cutting Edge Savannahs. US Fish and Wildlife supervised the taking of blood samples from Shirk's cats in Pennsylvania. The samples were shipped directly from the vet surgery to the Dutch government.
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