Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hawaiian Ice For Powdery Ice Snow

Hawaiian Five-OH is in business from 1992 is now presenting the Hawaiian Shave Ice flavors and machines which already has over 500 customers nationwide. The Hawaiian Ice Shaver is an electronic device which makes excellent powdery shaved ice snow in just a few seconds.

This shaved ice machine has a powerful ice shaving motor and 3 ice molds and is very popular and it is very simple to use as well all you have to do is fill the three ice molds with water and place them in your freezer overnight. Add one ice block to the machine and press lightly which will create your shaved ice at home.

The Hawaiian Ice Shaver is Easy-to-clean a heavy-duty plastic device, the shaved ice shaver will match any kitchen counter. The Hawaiian Ice Shaver is an excellent machine for home use. It is combined with award winning flavors from which you can create refreshing, popular treats for your family and friends.

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