Friday, March 20, 2009

Brazilian Wandering Deadly Spider

The most deadly spider in the world is the Brazilian Wandering Spider. This spider species was found in a bunch of bananas in a Whole Foods Store in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Beware if you are purchasing fruit bundled in plastic bags or plastic containers. There might be some spiders which are deadly and which can survive even the long transport from many exotic places around the world. A Whole Foods employee in Tulsa is familiar with this spider, they were known as the “Banana Spider,” as the Brazilian Wandering Spider nestled in a bunch of Honduran bananas, and was able to capture it. This is now with the University of Tulsa’s Animal Facilities Department. Director Terry Childs says the Brazilian Wandering Spider is responsible for more human deaths than any other spider, and the bite can kill a person within 25 minutes.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider, genus Phoneutria - Family Ctenidae, was first discovered in the Amazon jungle, but it is often found in the rainforests of South and Central America. It eschews webs and burrows and instead, wanders the jungle floor looking for insects. It does not eat bananas, but hides in the leaves of the plant, and does enjoy the insects found around them.

This large spider, capable of a 4 to 5 inch leg span, is hairy with strong, spindly legs. They move quickly, they have eight eyes, and one of their most distinctive features are red jaws which they display when angered.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider is sometimes confused with the Tarantula, but there are few similarities other than their hairy bodies. Tarantulas are not poisonous, but they can have a painful bite. The Brazilian Wandering Spider is considered an aggressive and active hunter. These spiders eat large insects, small mice and lizards. The babies eat fruit flies and small insects.

The Brazilian Wandering Spider hides in dark places during the day time. Closets and boxes (maybe shoes) are preferred once one of these creatures manages to get inside a home or garage. Rubbish outside a dwelling harbors this spider, and the leaves of bananas make a favorite homestead.

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